How to Overcome Procrastination and Stay Motivated to Study?

Procrastination is one of the most common challenges that students face. It can be all the more challenging if you are outside a structured learning environment such as the classroom: be it working on homework or assignments from home. There are bound to be distractions everywhere; there is no shortage of things to keep you from studying efficiently wherever you are studying from.

Here, we will discuss -

How to stop procrastinating and start studying?

Overcoming procrastination is by no means an easy task. That said, with the right approach, you can learn to stop the process of procrastination and study far more effectively at home, or wherever you are studying.

If you are seeking ways how to start studying and how to stop procrastinating, the below-mentioned seven tips are for you.

  1. 1. Put an End to All Distractions to Overcome Procrastination

Firstly, do not attempt to fool yourself. There is only a small chance that examination preparation with your friends will yield positive outcomes. It may be more fun, but your focus will waver as you interact with others. In addition, your friend’s progress may put you off instead of motivating you. Moreover, you need to close all social media tabs, put your mobile phone on airplane mode, and try to study in a clean and uncluttered space. A mess surrounding you is surely going to be a mess in your head. This is one of the tried and tested ways when it comes to how to stop procrastinating and start studying.

  1. 2. Make Use of Your Strongest Sensation to Memorise Things

Every student has their own, unique learning style. Some students prefer drawing mind maps and using bright stickers, whereas others prefer listening to audio and video while writing lengthy paragraphs by hand. Do not follow what your friends claim to be efficient. Find out a technique that works best for you. For instance, if you prefer the auditory mode to learn, you may record lectures beforehand and then listen to them until you have memorised the material. Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA), the best international school in Mumbai, offers its students this unique opportunity.

  1. 3. Set Deadlines

Studying without setting specific time limits can be extremely unproductive because you will not be able to track your progress, paving the way for panic if you feel that you are lagging. For optimum efficiency, divide your studies into equal chunks and then reward yourself after every small win. You must realistically approach your work. Give yourself the right amount of time so that your focus should not waver. This is an ideal way when it comes to how to start studying.

  1. 4. Do Not Stress Yourself to Avoid Procrastination

Each time you feel highly anxious or demotivated, try to be more realistic and consider various scenarios of the possible outcomes if you succeed or fail in a particular task. Will it be the end of the world if you fail to grasp this highly complicated statistics test? That said, it does not mean that you must not care, but do not burden yourself regarding grades. This is an effective step when it comes to how to avoid procrastination.

  1. 5. Eating Healthy and Exercising Regularly Help to Overcome Procrastination

You must have surely heard this tip time and again: giving junk food and sugary drinks a miss can boost your performance significantly because there will be no blood sugar spikes. Consume berries, nuts, whole grains, and fish. Participating in sports is also an excellent idea because your body will be extremely thankful after spending long hours sitting at a desk. Moreover, research has proven that exercise boosts cognitive performance. This is extremely important when it comes to how to avoid procrastination.

  1. 6. Find a Source of Inspiration and Ask for Help

This specific recommendation is extremely relevant during examinations and completing assignments. Instead of perusing every bit of info available, ask individuals who have already had that assignment to send you their notes or to share some tips. In addition, do not miss your lecturer’s office hours, and clarify as many doubts as possible, while you have this option. ABWA, the best international school in Mumbai, ensures that its teachers are always available and ready to answer questions raised by the students.

  1. 7. Motivation is of Paramount Significance

Lastly, no external motivation, like this blog post or some inspirational quotes, will leave you more motivated than seeing progress. Human beings are much more capable than they can imagine. Therefore, instead of coming up with excuses to avoid studying or leaving studies until the last minute, visualise a larger picture. List at least three positive outcomes of achieving your goal and always keep these in mind. These outcomes must be serious enough to offer you an extra kick. The most challenging aspect is to “start.” Hence, stop overthinking and preparing for studies; actually, do the studies. This goes a long way in how to stop procrastinating.

The Bottomline

You are unique and need unique solutions to overcome procrastination. Experiment with these tips and strategies and adjust them to fit your needs to eventually see what works best for you. You need to keep in mind that this will not be an overnight transition, but keep working at it. The results achieved from overcoming procrastination will be an amazing reward for you and your persistence.




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